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SOS团占领地球会 分会会员
The Integrated Data Entity, also known as the Data Integration Thought Entity (情報統合思念体, Jōhō Tōgō Shinentai?) is a being of the Haruhi universe born from a "sea of data" which covers and parallels the universe. This data accumulated until it gained consciousness and sentience which became the Integrated Data Entity. It continued to evolve in this fashion, obtaining more data until there was no more to gather, effectively meeting its own evolutionary dead-end. Data lifeforms themselves possess no physical body but are highly intelligent. This entity grows with the expansion of the universe and the addition of more data.Much of the data manipulated or utilized by the data lifeforms cannot be observed by humans by ordinary means. The exact nature of this data usage remain too nebulous and abstract a concept for most humans to grasp. In spite of this, The Integrated Data Entity took a particular interest in humans over any of the other sentient creatures in the universe because of their unprecedented ability to seek and obtain data, or knowledge.