well, the boy did say that the girl wanted to see the ocean(which was the same with
Misuzu观铃) so the two of them could be reincarnations, but i don't think that's the point.
Where's there's happniess there must be suffering, if you want to be happy in your life
you treat things with a good attitude and learn the fact that it's not the end of the world if
something goes wrong. No matter what happens, no matter how badly you fail you can
always try again. and quote from ice375096049 "一个新的开始,一个新的希望!
Always remember the most important thing
quote from 竹上雀 :"要把握住自己身边的每一个人嘛"
PS: 我在海外10 多年,无法正常打中文.
Ruichen 最后编辑于 2008-04-20 16:36:37