here is an interesting fact about Osamu Dazai's "人間失格 Ningen Shikkaku" in English it was translated as "No Longer Human".At first look u may think "no longer human" is something bad.BUT After u did certain reading in some 'big questions" u will have a second thought "human"is just one stop in the endless path of our evolution(both biological and psychological). "no longer human" might be something wonderful.
Here's some novel for reference Space Odyssey series(2001,2010,2061,3001)and Childhood's End
Tooko=Monolithe/TMA she servers a catalyst function.After Konoha published his first novel the experiment's begin

hisuiIBMPower4 最后编辑于 2009-03-12 07:43:45
We are the Borg.You will be

.Resistance is futile