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路过而已 她只是来打酱油的


哇  好狂的眼力  没看见




熟悉 KyoAni 和 Key 其他作品的,若眼尖点,其实还可以发现到很多东西哦


不过这倒和时空穿越无关吧,TA 里很明显智代很久以前就认识河南子了,所以在 CLA 里会认识也不奇怪,这也就是为什么被春原搭讪的时候熊小姐会出来档吧? 估计河南子这个校外学生就是她带来的吧?


Atsuko Enomoto who voiced Miyazawa Yukine of CLANNAD is also the seiyuu for Miyazawa Yukino of His and Her Circumstances. Their name is almost the same except the last letter of their first name ends differently.

Of all the seiyuus who voiced characters at least one of Key's season themed titles (and its corresponding KyoAni anime adaptation), only one seiyuu, Yukari Tamura (of Nanoha fame), has the distinction of being the only actress to voice a character in all three of KEY's season-themed titles.

In episode 1 at 11.28 the juice Youhei Sunohara is holding is the same peach juice Misuzu Kamio drinks in another Key series, Air TV.

On episode one, Tomoya makes out that Nagisa says "Hamburger" while standing in front of the Drama room. This "might" be a reference from One: Kagayaku Kisetsu E. In the game, Mayu Shiina was obsessed with Hamburgers. At one point in the game, she stops in front of a teriyaki stand and says to Kouhei "Hamburger" in a way similar to Nagisa.

Nayuki's Keropi makes an appearence on episode 6 when Fuko and Sunohara are having a carving contest. Fuko ends up getting confused and carving a wooden Keropi.

In episode 6, Kanako, a character from Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ (a spin-off sequel to CLANNAD made by Key) made a cameo appearance just before Youhei bumps onto Tomoyo.

The transition wipes used to switch scenes are the same ones used in the actual CLANNAD visual novel.

In episode 4, when Youhei was asking to help Nagisa, Tomoya thought how would it be like if it was an RPG. The scene that followed is a reference to the fight sequences in Little Busters!, another visual novel made by Key.

In episode 10, the song that the violinist is playing is Canon. A not so subtle reference to Kanon 2006 which was also made by Kyoto Animation.

In episode 6, Yukito from Air makes a cameo appearance.. He's sitting on the background of the second (of three) frozen frame before the scene where Ibuki-sensei appears.

In episode 12, Kyou is trying to win a huge anteater doll on the crane game. This doll was the same Sayuri gave to Mai as a birthday present in Kanon.

In episode 6, Final Hitode Tsukai Fuko is a reference to the post-apocalyptic setting of Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume, a kinetic novel by Key.

The episode title screen is similar to the CLANNAD visual novel's start menu. When an arc or story comes to a conclusion, a light orb is added to the title screen, likewise in the game.

The last scene in the ending song "Dango Daikazoku" is the same as the picture on the soundtrack cover of the CLANNAD Image Vocal Album Sorarado Append.

In episode 6, at 20:49-20:52 the person receiving one of Fuko's carved starfish looks extremely similar to Ryoko Asakura from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

On episode 19 of CLANNAD on 13:53-13:55 you can see Kitagawa's dancing costume from Kanon but it's blue

In episode 7 6:41-6:44 shows Fuko doing Haruhi's stare from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzmiya.

In episode 21 Nagisa wears a costume similair to the Kanon 2006/2002 uniforms

The character design for Kyou Fujibayashi and Ryou Fujibayashi are both comparable to Kagami Hiiragi and Tsukasa Hiiragi in "Lucky Star" respectively.

In Episode 21 when Tomoyo Sakagami enters wearing glasses, she is questioned as to why she doesnt wear contacts instead, and comments on them being scary. This is comparable to Miyuki Takara's scene in "Lucky Star" in episode 1.

Episode 24, the second OVA, is actually told in an alternate universe, where Nagisa doesn't exist and Tomoya ends up dating Tomoyo.

The character Mei Sunohara is closely based of the character Michiru in AIR(TV). One most important feature is that they are both voiced by Yukari TAMURA.

In episode 11, Ichinose Kotomi says "Day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you." This is a recurring line originating from Robert F. Young's science fiction short story, The Dandelion Girl. It may also be a nod toward RahXephon, which plot is partially inspired by the story.

In episode 20, after Tomoya tells Fuko to stay quiet and act like a zombie, Fuko does a motion that looks very similar to a famous part of the "Thriller" dance by Michael Jackson.

Sanae Furukawa's hairstyle and disposition are similar to Belldandy's in "Ah! My Goddess." Both roles are voiced by Kikuko Inoue.




我只看过 kanon,所以其他我没看过的作品我也不知道了


第六集风子和春原比赛雕刻时 ,风子后来失败雕了个别的东西,那东西在 kanon 里出现过,是夏雪的.. 嗯.. keropi.. 我不会这玩意的中文


还是第六集,被春原搭讪的校外女生是 tomoyo after 角色里的河南子


又是第六集,20:49-20:52 左右,风子将海星给了个蓝发(校外)女子,那女生是凉宫忧郁里的 ryoko asakura (中文名我不会,我只能说她是班长,凉宫里另外一个“外星人”,后来攻击男主的那个. 那个发夹满容易认的就是了.


藤林姐妹源自 lucky star 里那两位双胞胎


第12集,杏想要抓给kotomi当生日礼物的那只食蚁兽娃娃(后来被风子恶搞,她抓了只星星就跑了,所以没抓到),出现在 kanon 里. 嗯.. 也是生日礼物,sayuri  后来还背着呢.
顺带一提,虽然 clannad 里他们没抓到,可是很神奇的,clannad after 里,那只娃娃出现在古河面包屋里,ushio 第一次出场,吃炒饭的时候.


再来第六集,tomoya 在古河面包里风子发呆时对 nagisa 说的什么魔法师的故事,是后来 tomoyo after 里 D&T 时为什么他可以召唤出风子的来由.


clannad 第19集,13 分左右,演艺部讲解的时候,第一个出现的衣服,是 kanon 里北川在舞会时穿过的那件.


回复 16F nite 的帖子

hiiragi 姐妹也是很可爱呀~~



回复: 在CLANNAD第一部的第6集里出现了河南子?

在CLANNAD AS里渚给黑帮吃的早苗的超级彩虹面包,上面涂的果酱似乎是KANON中秋子阿姨的秘制..


