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Why minori blocking foreign accesses?We are little perplexing now because we received a lot of response about this issue from foreign people.Now we will tell you the short detail about the reason why blocking you to this website, because of we, all Japanese EROGE makers were facing at the problem, the crisis of "Freedom of speech".Currently, The bill that allows to limiting the content (It is censorship. Isn't it?) to all EROGEs is being discussed in the Diet because intellectuals and politicians said "Japanese EROGE were being problem and troubled with the foreign country. Therefore we should make EROGE hidden away from foreign country, and also its content should be limited and censored".Okay, now we trusted the word what they said at once. So we blocked you to make stay away from the trouble....Do you like that?If not, please tell your idea directly to Japanese government and politicians.(For example, you can write the letter to the administration of Japan directly from here.)(If you can comprehend Japanese...There is information of the politicians in Japan.)Otherwise, you just can talk your idea about this issue at your blog or other media to inform the existance of this problem to the public. It would be very helpful for us.If you do so, we might be able to recover the "Freedom of speech" and the barricade lying in between us would be taken away.Please help us.We hope this separation would be only for short moment.Sincerely.
原帖由 dimela 于 2009-7-3 7:49:00 发表国产的好游戏还是要支持的.....国外的好游戏也是要支持的.........记得不久前炒得很火的那个日本游戏,的确很黄很暴力,还有诱导犯罪的倾向.....被禁也是自然的,但要是全部禁止的话....恩,怎么说呢........毕竟是......