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Some help for kirikiri2

[ 11375 查看 / 9 回复 ]

I'm sorry, I'm not good at typing chinese...
I need to spend a whole day long to type this whole passage...

After reading the 吉里吉里2教程集合帖, I still don't really get it.

I would like to have some examples of kirikiri2 made games with the scenario file so that I can learn how to write my script from it.
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回复: Some help for kirikiri2

I thought you are not only weaking at chinese input but also understanding(power).
the post of KRKR2 Tutorial Collection contains a various of examples codes, documents etc. which include basically information either. ...Also it has an english by the way a japanese version which fully with Hundreds of CodeViews on the internet. then all you need to do is just make a search.

and? Now you still want a hint on HOW TO DO? What on earth you need to help with? a guide? a lot of example? a totorial step by step?

I'm too not coming for a row, so could you make us clear on what do you want in your own local-language? Cantonese or even PY would also be accepted if that could be your best custom-language.

if you want the examples, you could leave your email address here. then i'll send it to you

Some one pm(ed) me that the movement i corrected your Chinese Word is
I had to add these word below:

it was not like that at all. I just not feel good on "CuE". SO, NO DEFIANCE && NO *ING INSULT.
最后编辑Koori 最后编辑于 2010-01-12 21:39:03

回复: Some help for kirikiri2

The thing I want is "kirikiri2 made games with the scenario file" like I said in my passage
A game made by kirikiri2 and it's scenario file.
That's what I want.
Sorry for I didn't write my passage clearly.
I'm too lazy.

回复:Some help for kirikiri2

never mind, i'm clear on your needs now.

i'll find you a example then past it here...or... would you pm me your e-mail adders?

回复 2F Koori 的帖子

It's totally ok.
I'm not that good in english. It's good to have a guy to correct my english.
But just that after your correction, the meaning went different, and that's where my passage seems to make no sense. That's all because of my laziness.
I did't write my english on web seriously. So mistakes come out recently.
Anyway, thx for your help.


回复: Some help for kirikiri2

I've Sent a Copy of KAG(KRKR Also) Example/DEMO to you. Please check your e-mail.
I'll make a short description here to help your start with it.

Before your start to make deal with KRKR, you should make clear of what the KRKR FileSystem is.

Please check your KAG SDK(Kirikiri Advanture Game Softeware Development Kit) there are at least 2 elements in the main folder:

  |->KRKR.EXE   Excutable Program File
  |->krdevui.dll   Kirikiri Development UI Library
  |_>Data             Folder

In the Folder Data there may contains many sub-folders like these:


Let's forget about thoes mess information.
just double click on the "scenario" folder >> you will see : Every SDK must have a "first.ks" File. This file would tell the krkr.exe the game would start from here.

so, before we start to know how the demo shows you various of effects, you'd better to do this step by step:

1)right click on the first.ks then select "rename". let's change it into "first1.ks".

2)press Win+R hot keys to open "run" dialog. then enter those information (with out qoutation marks) "%systemRoot%\notepad.exe".

3)enter some word in the notpad like "Hello World!" then press CTRL+S keys get ready to save it.

4)before you click "&Save" button, please select "Code(&E)" into Unicode, "Type(&T)" into All Files(*.*), then name the file "first.ks" and save it into the folder of "Data\scenario"

5)Back to the SDK root Folder, and double click "krkr.exe"... see what did you get? :)

YES, Now you may understand What the basically filesystem is.

Infact to learn KRKR is a course that trying to make changes on ks files=_,=|||...

now edit your first.ks

enter another word like...em..."[r]I am Koori.[l] Nice to meet you.[p]"

in the basic kag script, "[" and "]" means "Command". put your "Command Key Words" in to SQUARE BRACKETS GROUP to tell KAG "YOU MUST DO AS I COMMAND YOU...."

on the Previous you entered "[r]" ,"[p]"and "[l]".

these two commands told krkr "set 'I am Koori' into a new line" and "after finished this word wait for mouse click" finally "Go to the Next Page".

Have you change your first.ks ready? save it and back to step 5...

Great! you are now have the basic knowledge on it.

now change your first.ks into other filename, and get the origonal firsk.ks back. let's see what the KAG could do.

There are many codes and commands in KAG. If you want to know how to finish your needs, you could come and ask for help.

I also recommend you goto find a KAG-Document. It would be a great help.
BTW, if you have problem when runing program pls follw your reply any time.


In this Demo, you may also get known about the "mask effect theory"(JUST MAY BE) =_,=|||.



Original Script


Argument D

CC-BY-SA Authorize


Captain Cid

CopyRight (C) K.C.D.D.P

最后编辑Koori 最后编辑于 2010-01-13 00:00:17

回复:Some help for kirikiri2

Thanks ALOT!!!
This helps me alot.
btw, What is [backlay] and [advl]?
What is [current layer="message0" page="back"]?

And what is the KAG-document u mentioned?
Where can I find it?
最后编辑logenkeller 最后编辑于 2010-01-13 00:41:45

回复: Some help for kirikiri2

Knowledge Hint:
Every Layer Element have two sides(We call this element "PAGE"): "FONT" and "BACK". Both side do can contain contexts like:
  1. [{CommandName}  Layer="{ LayerName }" Page= "{FONT||BACK}"]

The Scenes we usually see is in the "FONT". the "BACK" page is for preparation or some what running in background.
Back Up Layer.
When [trans] Command is running, the screen would be brought to Back, seems like "disappear". before it happens, we could use backlay command to command KAG DO NOT move the layer which you want to keep in Front like "Back Up".

Adventure Text Layer Performance.
There are 3 default layer performance in KAG Engine, [menul], [val] and [advl].
[menul] shows your texts without back ground like a menu in the screen.
[val] shows your texts with a nearly full screen background in gray color like Visual Novels.
[advl] shows your texts in a text box in the screen like a AVG.

Set target object into curren.


KAG-DOC is in the folder of KAGDOC{x}({x} is a single number).
There are only two languages version: Japanese and Chinese(translated by K.C.D.D.P)
if you want a copy of Zh-Cn version i could send you in the previous address.

回复 8F Koori 的帖子

I would like to have a copy of Zh-Cn version of the KAG-DOC.

And again, it's

回复:Some help for kirikiri2

Thanks alot for the KAG-DOC.
And all the things you did for me. [ this line is actually here to increase the number of words......]