回复:晕乎,十分不满某人对观铃的行为!什么叫“Pretty Misuzu is ecchi”
本人对hisuiIBMPower4的21楼的文章的翻译 ,这篇文章的作者看来是个英语水平不高的人。
Definition of Ecchi
The word "ecchi" is etymologically derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the letter "H", the first letter of the word "hentai" (and is often written as such). In modern Japanese, the word is predominantly "sexual" in nature (akin to the English words "dirty" or "naughty"), carrying slightly negative connotations, but not necessarily "perverted" (which is usually reserved for the word "hentai") unless it is being used to describe a person. Note that "ecchi" is a non-standard romanization — using Hepburn it would be "etchi", but this spelling is comparatively rare both in Japan and outside it.
In English, the word is often used in the context of manga and anime. The term Ecchi is applied to anime or manga that has vague sexual content (such a skimpy clothing, partial or full nudity), but does not show sexual intercourse. However, "ecchi" has historically often been used as a synonym of "hentai", presumably due to confusion of the two; thus it can carry different connotations than allowed for by the original Japanese. In recent years, however, its use by English-speakers has largely realigned with the Japanese meaning – although "H" (pronounced as the standard "aitch") has become a completely separate term, inclusive of all of the above.
仍然,他的日文意思经过英语的讲学者很大程度上的重新编排,尽管“H”(明确标准的 H 发音)已经