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[交友] 寻KeyFC英国网友 [KeyFC海外交友中心]

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回复:[交友] 寻KeyFC英国网友

(due to computer-related restrictions, the following will be in English)

I'm a new f.6 student now studying in Tonbridge, 1hour train from London.
Although i was not here for long, I'd say ------ why no manga here[:Cry:]
the computer system in my school restricts video downloading(including animation)[:Orz:]
this place is really...... hard to survive......
luckily there's still Clannad for me to play(My Jap knowledge is 0, so waiting for KFC to finish the game)

p.s. can you recommand me some place to live, because i have a half term break and i cant find any places to stay for the time
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