On Friday 21 August 2015 Mt. Stromlo Observatory will be leading Australia in attempting to break two Guinness World Records -
Most People Stargazing at a Single Site (Canberra) and Most People Stargazing Across Multiple Sites in a Country (Australia).
To set the record, everyone who wants to participate will need to be looking through a telescope at a pre-determined time during the evening. If you do not have your own telescope you can purchase a commemorative World Record Stargazing telescope when you register through Eventbrite. If you are planning on bringing your own telescope or binoculars (phones don't count sorry) we ask you still please register for the event to help us with numbers.
只要带上一个望远镜就可以参加,没有望远镜的话,可以去买一个World Record Stargazing限定版30mm折射望远镜,只要5.5澳元。AU和NZ的基友们,还在等什么,赶快走起吧!