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Please help us!!! Vote for CLANNAD AS!!!

[ 12040 查看 / 14 回复 ]

回复:Please help us!!! Vote for CLANNAD AS!!!

I don't think this is a appropriate way to invite overseas people to vote in your forum. The result should base on votes by active local member, otherwise it is cheating. And the different between No.1 and No.2 is insignificant, your people will know Clannad even it doen't win the first.

Last but not least, few of us speak Vietnamese. All we can do is just vote and leave, that doen't show any respect to your forum. This kind of register is not welcomed here as far as I know.
Other people do that doesn't make it right. The result will mean nothing but vanity, if everyone votes it in ths way.

像這類「The best」的選舉,純粹反應大多數觀眾的個人喜好,目的並不在於宣傳。甚至經常造成用戶之間的分化,各作品的支持者互相惡意批評,達到反宣傳的效果。如果還要作弊的話,連僅有的參考意義也被剝奪。真的希望宣傳的話,直接寫篇關於Clannad的文章就是有效和直接的方法。
最后编辑kameu03 最后编辑于 2010-02-25 23:54:27
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