以下引用蓝色的风之精灵在2003-10-15 8:08:54的发言: 没错,日文拼法和加农炮是一样的…… 到现在我也不知道Kanon到底是什么意思……字典上这个字的解释哈多…… |
"In the second half of the seventh century, the kontakion was supplanted by a new type of hymn, the kanon, initiated by St. Andrew of Crete (ca. 660-ca. 740) and developed by Saints John of Damascus and Kosmas of Jerusalem (both eighth century). Essentially, the kanon is an hymnodic complex comprised of nine odes which were originally attached to the nine Biblical canticles and to which they were related by means of corresponding poetic allusion or textual quotation...
...The nine heirmoi, however, are metrically dissimilar; consequently, an entire kanon comprises nine independent melodies (eight, when the second ode is omitted, which are united musically by the same mode and textually by references to the general theme of the liturgical occasion, and sometimes by an acrostic."
简单来说﹐ "Kanon"的重点是 "数个独立﹐但又带同样的意境的曲的集合体."