
首页 » - 特色讨论区 - » 键社茶餐厅 » 你的生活多少分?
maxiem - 2009/4/4 16:44:00

Your Life Analysis:

Life:Your life rating is a score of the sum total of your life, and accountsfor how satisfied, successful, balanced, capable, valuable, and happyyou are. The quiz attempts to put a number on the summation of all ofthese things, based on your answers. Your life score leaves room forimprovement. You can make changes to improve your trouble areas, andthis will bring you greater satisfaction. Focus on your weakest pointsand set about to change them. Do not delay your happiness and success.(Read more on improving your life)

Mind: Your mind rating is a score of your mind's clarity,ability, and health. Higher scores indicate an advancement inknowledge, clear and capable thinking, high mental health, and purethought free of interference. Your mind score is not bad, but could beimproved upon. Your mental health is not weak, but you are notachieving full mental clarity and function. Learn how to unclutter yourmind. Keep learning, keep improving, continue moving forward. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the mind.

Body: Your body rating measures your body's health, fitness, andgeneral wellness. A healthy body contributes to a happy life, howevermany of us are lacking in this area. You have a rather good body score,which is an indication that you take care of yourself. There is roomfor improvement, however. Please keep doing what works. Eat right,exercise, reduce your stress, treat any illness. Doing these thingswill help ensure your body will be in good working order for a longtime to come. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the body.

Spirit: Your spirit rating seeks to capture in a number thatelusive quality which is found in your faith, your attitude, and yourphilosophy on life. A higher score indicates a greater sense of innerpeace and balance. Your spirit score is relatively high, which meansyou are rewarded by your beliefs. Spirituality is clearly important todo. Never let it slip, and continue to learn and grow. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the spirit.

Friends/Family: Your friends and family rating measures yourrelationships with those around you, and is based on how large,healthy, and dependable your social network is.Your friends and family score suffers, yet it does not need to be thisway. Strengthen your social network by reaffirming old bonds. Seek outnew friendships, and they will provide you the reward you need. Tryusing to find people near you who share your interests.

Love: Your love rating is a measure of your current romanticsituation. Sharing your heart with another person is one of life's mostglorious, terrifying, rewarding experiences. You have a rather low lovescore. While some are lucky, for most of us love doesn't fall in ourlaps. You must actively work on improving this area. Do not despair,there is someone out there for you. Read advice from other quiz-takers on finding and maintaining love.

Finance: Your finance rating is a score that rates your currentfinancial health and stability.Your financial score indicates some trouble. Raise your score over timeby making changes which will lead to greater prosperity in the future.Be sure to live within your means today. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving your finances.


风の街 - 2009/4/4 16:54:00
=久远苍月= - 2009/4/4 17:55:00
zhaikaity - 2009/4/4 18:24:00
SOLAの夢 - 2009/4/4 18:31:00
猪肝samlee - 2009/4/4 18:41:00

Your Life Analysis:

Life: Your life rating is a score of the sum total of your life, and accounts for how satisfied, successful, balanced, capable, valuable, and happy you are. The quiz attempts to put a number on the summation of all of these things, based on your answers. Your life score is reasonably high. This means that you are on a good path. Continue doing what is working and set about to improve in areas which continue to lag. Do this starting today and you will begin to reap the benefits immediately. (Read more on improving your life)

Mind: Your mind rating is a score of your mind's clarity, ability, and health. Higher scores indicate an advancement in knowledge, clear and capable thinking, high mental health, and pure thought free of interference. Your mind score is not bad, but could be improved upon. Your mental health is not weak, but you are not achieving full mental clarity and function. Learn how to unclutter your mind. Keep learning, keep improving, continue moving forward. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the mind.

Body: Your body rating measures your body's health, fitness, and general wellness. A healthy body contributes to a happy life, however many of us are lacking in this area. You have a rather good body score, which is an indication that you take care of yourself. There is room for improvement, however. Please keep doing what works. Eat right, exercise, reduce your stress, treat any illness. Doing these things will help ensure your body will be in good working order for a long time to come. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the body.

Spirit: Your spirit rating seeks to capture in a number that elusive quality which is found in your faith, your attitude, and your philosophy on life. A higher score indicates a greater sense of inner peace and balance. Your spirit score is relatively high, which means you are rewarded by your beliefs. Spirituality is clearly important to do. Never let it slip, and continue to learn and grow. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the spirit.

Friends/Family: Your friends and family rating measures your relationships with those around you, and is based on how large, healthy, and dependable your social network is. Your friends and family score is not bad but can be improved. Maintain your current social net, while you try to expand it. Try new things and form new friendships. You will be rewarded greatly.

Love: Your love rating is a measure of your current romantic situation. Sharing your heart with another person is one of life's most glorious, terrifying, rewarding experiences. You have a rather low love score. While some are lucky, for most of us love doesn't fall in our laps. You must actively work on improving this area. Do not despair, there is someone out there for you. Read advice from other quiz-takers on finding and maintaining love.

Finance: Your finance rating is a score that rates your current financial health and stability. Your finances are somewhat in the middle, neither bad or exceptional. Keep doing what works for you, and improve what doesn't. Focus on long-term financial stability as your goal.

水羊 - 2009/4/4 19:12:00
英文不好的飄過= =IIII
cdf5135640 - 2009/4/4 19:33:00
huangjueping - 2009/4/4 20:57:00
love 1.5的路过,看来这辈子只能当好人了。。。。。。。。。。:miffy2:
Limbo - 2009/4/4 22:19:00
LS算啥....= =看看咱的love分数。。。。。= =
Life: 5.8
Mind: 5.4
Body: 7.3
Spirit: 6.8
Friends/Family: 3.5
Love: 0.8
Finance: 5.5
Your Life Analysis:

Life: Your life rating is a score of the sum total of your life, and accounts for how satisfied, successful, balanced, capable, valuable, and happy you are. The quiz attempts to put a number on the summation of all of these things, based on your answers. Your life score leaves room for improvement. You can make changes to improve your trouble areas, and this will bring you greater satisfaction. Focus on your weakest points and set about to change them. Do not delay your happiness and success. (Read more on improving your life)

Mind: Your mind rating is a score of your mind's clarity, ability, and health. Higher scores indicate an advancement in knowledge, clear and capable thinking, high mental health, and pure thought free of interference. Your mind score is not bad, but could be improved upon. Your mental health is not weak, but you are not achieving full mental clarity and function. Learn how to unclutter your mind. Keep learning, keep improving, continue moving forward. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the mind.

Body: Your body rating measures your body's health, fitness, and general wellness. A healthy body contributes to a happy life, however many of us are lacking in this area. You have a rather good body score, which is an indication that you take care of yourself. There is room for improvement, however. Please keep doing what works. Eat right, exercise, reduce your stress, treat any illness. Doing these things will help ensure your body will be in good working order for a long time to come. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the body.

Spirit: Your spirit rating seeks to capture in a number that elusive quality which is found in your faith, your attitude, and your philosophy on life. A higher score indicates a greater sense of inner peace and balance. Your spirit score is relatively high, which means you are rewarded by your beliefs. Spirituality is clearly important to do. Never let it slip, and continue to learn and grow. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the spirit.

Friends/Family: Your friends and family rating measures your relationships with those around you, and is based on how large, healthy, and dependable your social network is. Your friends and family score suffers, yet it does not need to be this way. Strengthen your social network by reaffirming old bonds. Seek out new friendships, and they will provide you the reward you need. Try using to find people near you who share your interests.

Love: Your love rating is a measure of your current romantic situation. Sharing your heart with another person is one of life's most glorious, terrifying, rewarding experiences. Your love score is very low, indicating trouble. There is love out there for you. Seek the advice of wise people on how to go about finding it. Do not lose hope. Read advice from other quiz-takers on finding and maintaining love.

Finance: Your finance rating is a score that rates your current financial health and stability. Your finances are somewhat in the middle, neither bad or exceptional. Keep doing what works for you, and improve what doesn't. Focus on long-term financial stability as your goal. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving your finances.

SOLAの夢 - 2009/4/4 22:44:00

Your Life Analysis:

Life: Your life rating is a score of the sum total of your life, and accounts for how satisfied, successful, balanced, capable, valuable, and happy you are. The quiz attempts to put a number on the summation of all of these things, based on your answers. Your life score is reasonably high. This means that you are on a good path. Continue doing what is working and set about to improve in areas which continue to lag. Do this starting today and you will begin to reap the benefits immediately. (Read more on improving your life)

Mind: Your mind rating is a score of your mind's clarity, ability, and health. Higher scores indicate an advancement in knowledge, clear and capable thinking, high mental health, and pure thought free of interference. Your mind score is within a healthy zone. This means you have achieved a level of mental balance and harmony consistent with living a healthy, happy life. Continue doing what works, and keep your focus. In our fast-paced world, mental clutter is all too common. Be vigilant in maintaining healthy mental function. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the mind.

Body: Your body rating measures your body's health, fitness, and general wellness. A healthy body contributes to a happy life, however many of us are lacking in this area. You have an excellent body score, which means you are incredibly focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Continue in that focus, and your body will remain healthy and strong. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the body.

Spirit: Your spirit rating seeks to capture in a number that elusive quality which is found in your faith, your attitude, and your philosophy on life. A higher score indicates a greater sense of inner peace and balance. Your spirit score is relatively high, which means you are rewarded by your beliefs. Spirituality is clearly important to do. Never let it slip, and continue to learn and grow. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the spirit.

Friends/Family: Your friends and family rating measures your relationships with those around you, and is based on how large, healthy, and dependable your social network is. Your friends and family score is quite healthy. You have a social network you can depend upon. Count your blessings, but never forget that these bonds need to be maintained. Keep your friends and family close.

Love: Your love rating is a measure of your current romantic situation. Sharing your heart with another person is one of life's most glorious, terrifying, rewarding experiences. Your love score is very low, indicating trouble. There is love out there for you. Seek the advice of wise people on how to go about finding it. Do not lose hope. Read advice from other quiz-takers on finding and maintaining love.

Finance: Your finance rating is a score that rates your current financial health and stability. Your finances are somewhat in the middle, neither bad or exceptional. Keep doing what works for you, and improve what doesn't. Focus on long-term financial stability as your goal. Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving your finances.

=久远苍月= - 2009/4/4 22:47:00
kameu03 - 2009/4/4 23:01:00
Life:      6.5
Mind:     7
Body:     8.4
Spirit:     6.4
Friends/Family:     2.4
Love:     0.8
Finance:     4.8
哈哈...很极端的分数, 这测验似乎是适合较年长的人
xish - 2009/4/5 2:08:00
Life:      6
Mind:     6.2
Body:     5.3
Spirit:     7.7
Friends/Family:     2.7
Love:     1.5
Finance:     5.9

Limbo - 2009/4/5 5:51:00
love低分似乎是很普遍啊....零分的大人在下深感佩服= =
话说这是不是也反映了咱KFC众宅的悲惨现实... = =
Prz - 2009/4/5 7:39:00
总分: 6.5

心灵: 6.7
身体: 7.3
精神: 6.8
朋友/家庭: 3.2
爱情: 1.5
经济: 8.4

嗯,看来我很有钱.... Prz |||||||||||||||||
fzya050240 - 2009/4/5 10:30:00
<table cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid #333333; margin: 10px;"><tr><td colspan="2" style="border: none; font: bold 16px sans-serif; background: #ffddbb; color: #000000; padding: 5px; margin: 0px; text-align: center;">This Is My Life, Rated</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 85px; padding: 5px; font: bold 18px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: 1px solid #333333; border-left: none; background-image: none; background: #ffffcc; color: #000000;">Life:
</td><td style="width: 240px; padding: 5px; padding-left: 0px; font: bold 18px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: 1px solid #333333; border-left: none; border-right: none; vertical-align: middle; background-image: none; background: #ffffff; color: #000000;"><img src="" height="12" width="78" style="border: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"> 3.9</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 85px; padding: 5px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; border-right: 1px solid #333333; background-image: none; background: #ffffcc; color: #000000;">Mind:
</td><td style="width: 240px; padding: 5px; padding-left: 0px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; vertical-align: middle; background-image: none; background: #ffffff; color: #000000;"><img src="" height="12" width="66" style="border: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"> 3.3</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 85px; padding: 5px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; border-right: 1px solid #333333; background-image: none; background: #ffffcc; color: #000000;">Body:
</td><td style="width: 240px; padding: 5px; padding-left: 0px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; vertical-align: middle; background-image: none; background: #ffffff; color: #000000;"><img src="" height="12" width="102" style="border: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"> 5.1</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 85px; padding: 5px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; border-right: 1px solid #333333; background-image: none; background: #ffffcc; color: #000000;">Spirit:
</td><td style="width: 240px; padding: 5px; padding-left: 0px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; vertical-align: middle; background-image: none; background: #ffffff; color: #000000;"><img src="" height="12" width="82" style="border: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"> 4.1</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 85px; padding: 5px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; border-right: 1px solid #333333; background-image: none; background: #ffffcc; color: #000000;">Friends/Family:
</td><td style="width: 240px; padding: 5px; padding-left: 0px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; vertical-align: middle; background-image: none; background: #ffffff; color: #000000;"><img src="" height="12" width="60" style="border: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"> 3</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 85px; padding: 5px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; border-right: 1px solid #333333; background-image: none; background: #ffffcc; color: #000000;">Love:
</td><td style="width: 240px; padding: 5px; padding-left: 0px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; vertical-align: middle; background-image: none; background: #ffffff; color: #000000;"><img src="" height="12" width="1" style="border: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"> 0</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 85px; padding: 5px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; border-right: 1px solid #333333; background-image: none; background: #ffffcc; color: #000000;">Finance:
</td><td style="width: 240px; padding: 5px; padding-left: 0px; font: bold 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; border: none; vertical-align: middle; background-image: none; background: #ffffff; color: #000000;"><img src="" height="12" width="84" style="border: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"> 4.2</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="border: none; border-top: 1px solid #333333; font: bold 14px sans-serif; background: #ffeedd; padding: 5px; margin: 0px; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="color: #0000ff;">Take the Rate My Life Quiz</a></td></tr></table>
fzya050240 - 2009/4/5 10:40:00
Here Are Your Results:
Life: 3.9
Mind: 3.3
Body: 5.1
Spirit: 4.1
Friends/Family: 3
Love: 0
Finance: 4.2
uil - 2009/4/5 11:19:00
Life:  5.8
Mind:  6
Body:  7.3
Spirit:  7.7
Friends/Family:  4
Love:  2.7
Finance:  5.2

Prz - 2009/4/5 12:03:00
原帖由 Limbo 于 2009-4-5 5:51:00 发表
love低分似乎是很普遍啊....零分的大人在下深感佩服= =
话说这是不是也反映了咱KFC众宅的悲惨现实... = =


lulu4444 - 2009/4/12 19:37:00
Powerwolf - 2009/4/12 22:50:00
大头佳 - 2009/4/13 12:59:00
Here Are Your Results:
Life: 7.2
Mind: 6.7
Body: 6.8
Spirit: 7.7
Friends/Family: 4.1
Love: 6.9
Finance: 5.5


You: 7.2
Average: 6.3
You: 6.7
Average: 6
You: 6.8
Average: 6.6
You: 7.7
Average: 6.2
You: 4.1
Average: 4.7
You: 6.9
Average: 4.4
You: 5.5
Average: 5.8

靠啊- -FF那栏是怎么回事!!难道是选家庭的那里我把能选的都选了。。。。。

其他的都高于Averages……还好……= =

kameu03 - 2009/4/13 15:50:00
st-nickkid - 2009/4/14 0:43:00
sda9992003 - 2009/4/14 12:15:00
Here Are Your Results:
Life:  4.1
Mind:  3.7
Body:  8
Spirit:  3.6
Friends/Family:  1.5
Love:  0.8
Finance:  2.6
Koori - 2009/4/15 11:53:00
Life: 7.7
Mind: 7.7
Body: 9
Spirit: 8.8
Friends/Family: 7.4
Love: 3.1
Finance: 7.4


查看完整版本: 你的生活多少分?