羽化而成魔 - 2010/6/25 23:32:00
Goin' with the silver flow
of river wide with current deep and slow
I rest my wings made to soar
But can I fly anymore?
The river it goes ever on
Can heart keep pace rushing swollen 'til dawn?
Now I shake off weariness
And go to meet what I can't guess
The heart has its secret current
Deep and without guide
To find out where they will lead
I take the plunge eyes wide
People move from home to street
No one blinks a stay is to they life is fleet
Where are you from
Where are you going want to travel on
The mournful wind blows ever on
Can I keep love at life for you til dawn
Now I stretch out my wings again
And take back what I lost then
The heart has its secret current
Deep and without guide
To find out where they will lead
I take the plunge eyes wide
羽化而成魔 - 2010/6/25 23:45:00