回复:求tori no uta的英文译文
* 更正手误几处
* 加入我的理解几处
* 希望改的比较押韵
* 结果80%变成了我的翻译
* -_-|||||||||
Poem of Birds
消える飛行機雲 僕たちは見送った
Looking after the fading-away jet cloud,
眩しくて逃げた いつだって弱くて
we avoid its dizziness; always, we are weak as so;
あの日から 変わらずいつまでも変わらずに
Since that day, nothing haven't ever changed,
いられなかったこと 悔しくて指を離す
when we released our fingers, and were unwillingly separated.
That bird is yet able to fly, however,
someday it will know the feel of the wind;
In the distance, there is a place can't be reached,
only gaze with the wishes hidden inside.
子供たちは夏の線路歩く 吹く風に素足をさらして
Children are walking on the summer railway, swinging their bare feet in the gentle breeze;
遠くには幼かった日々を 両手には飛び立つ希望を
Far away are my childhood days, wishes to fly away were all over my hands.
消える飛行機雲 追いかけて追いかけて
Watching the fading-away jet cloud, we chased and chased,
この丘を越えた あの日から変わらず
went over this hill, on that ever changing day;
いつまでも 真っ直ぐに僕たちはあるように
Always, truly like we are together,
海神(わだつみ)のような強さを守れるよ きっと
as protected by the Poseidon, strongly and forever.
The vanes of the pinwheel that whirls in the air,
always are having the same dream;
An unreachable place that can always be looked over,
a bird's dream wrap with the wishes.
振り返る灼けた線路覆う入道雲 形を変えても
Looking back, above the flaming railway, large columns of clouds with shifting shapes;
僕らは覚えていてどうか 季節が残した希望を
We may be able to remember, the hope that was left behind the season.
消える飛行機雲 追いかけて追いかけて
Watching the fading-away jet cloud, we were chasing and chasing,
早すぎる合図 二人笑いだしてる
without any signal, we both started laughing;
いつまでも 真っ直ぐに眼差しはあるように
Always, as honest as we look at each other,
汗がにじんでも 手を離さないよ ずっと
even when sweating, the hand will not be loosen, forever.
消える飛行機雲 僕たちは見送った
We looked after the fading-away jet cloud,
眩しくて逃げた いつだって弱くて
avoiding its dizziness; always, we are weak as so;
あの日から 変わらずいつまでも変わらずに
Since that day, I hasn't ever changed,
いられなかったこと 悔しくて指を離す
when we released our fingers, and were unwillingly separated.
"SG-Atlantis Babaylon5 跟本没人知道"
SGA是今年夏天七月才开始的新连续剧,才两个月就向地球对面的人问,这不算太公平吧......引用你的例子: DDR400 ECCREG发布估计不止一年了,你还说上海买不到呢...