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My life for Aiur!
有局限性的自由意志。这是温和的决定论。〔对了、哲学的话我略有研究、欢迎Q我共同讨论、大概能给您带来一点启发。〔kameu03前辈看来也了解哲学、您是唯物还是唯心的呢、或者…… LittleBuster 发表于 2013/3/24 22:18:00
Materialism (adj. materialistic) is the excessive desire to acquire and consume material goods. It is often bound up with a value system which regards social status as being determined by affluence (see conspicuous consumption) as well as the perception that happiness can be increased through buying, spending and accumulating material wealth. Positively, materialism might be considered a pragmatic form of enlightened self-interest based on a prudent understanding of the character of capitalist society. Negatively, it is considered a crass, if not false, value system induced by the spell of commodity fetishism and void of more noble and worthy values.